Loreto Quijada Plubins
Born in 1981 in Viña del Mar, Chile. Lives and works in Cologne, Germany

Photo: Marina Weigl
2018 - 2020 MA Digital Narratives Master Program at IFS, graduated with the highest distinction (Cologne, Germany)
2015 Campaign and Communication Strategies at Vertice Training (Málaga, Spain)
2013 Digital Photography at EICTV (San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba)
2006 - 2008 Bachelor in Documentary Film at UACH, graduated with the highest distinction (Santiago, Chile)
2003 Maya 3D at the New York Film Academy in Harvard University (Boston, USA)
2000-2004 Filmmaking with major in post-production at the Escuela de Cine de Chile (Santiago, Chile)
Grants / Awards
- Project fund, FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / Production, documentary - “Object”
- Project fund, FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / Production, short films - “Ergo - Memories from the Future”
- Winner of the Conexión Latino Award by Bogoshorts / Kurzfilm - „Ergo - Memories from the Future“ (WIP)
- Official selection at Fem Goes Short / short film - “My Minefield”
- Official selection at emergente! Cine Lab / short film - “Ergo - Memories from the Future”
- Project grant, FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / Script Writing - “Object”
- Project grant, FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / Concept Development, short films - “Ergo - Memories from the Future”
- Fellowship Program, No End to the Road at Kulturforum Witten
- Project grant, neue Künste Ruhr / “Heim”
- Project grant, Kultur Hilft Kultur + Kulturrat NRW / “Dritter Ort”
- Project fund, Filmstiftung NRW - Production P2 / “Object”
- Project grant, Film- und Medien Stiftung NRW - P2 / "Objekt"
- Project grant, FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / “An-Other”
- Project grant, Kultur Hilft Kultur + Kulturrat NRW / “Sofiia”
- Project grant, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Auf Geht’s! / “ARK"
- Official selection, Usina de Guiones Breves at Instituto Cervantes in Berlin / "Ergo"
- Second prize at “Director Wanted” competition - ARTE TV / “Objekt” documentary short film
- Research grant, Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten (GVL) - Neustart Kultur / “Body Language - Nonverbal Communication and its Relation to Dance”
- Project grant, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Auf Geht’s! / “NRW Map, A Digital Celebration”
- Project grant, DIRAC Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chile / “An-Other”
- Project grant, Kultur Freie Szene von Stadt Köln / “An-Other”
- Project grant, Wim Wenders Stipendium - Filmstiftung NRW / “Aus-Länder”
- Study grant, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service - TH Köln / End of Studies
- FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile / “Digital Narratives”
- FONDART National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts Chile in collaboration with Literary City / “Port Cities Webdoc”
Selected Screenings
2024 FEM, Germany
2021 ARTE MediaTek, Germany
2020 Film Festival Cologne, Germany
2019 Digital Kunst Festival, Korea
2017 Winner, New Media Endeavors, National Competition, Chile
2016 Winner, Literary National Award, New Media Category, Chile
2010 Women in Art, Fundación De Rokha Gallery, Chile
2009 Cine//B,Chile
2005 Centro Cultural Balmaceda Joven, Chile
2003 Chicago International Film Festival, USA
2001 Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia
2001 Festival Cine de Mujeres, Chile